

的 教师激励计划 is a compensation enhancement designed for annually appointed, tenured, and tenure-track faculty members. 的 教师激励计划 is conducted in a two-year cycle and has two components, 高影响力实践计划 ($1,000) and 的 专业发展计划 (Level 1 $750 or Level 2 $1,500). 参与 in 的 教师激励计划 is voluntary and faculty members can choose to participate or not participate in each component.


的 教师激励计划 (FIP) begins July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2025 (two-year 在奇数年进行的周期).

Please note that if you are newly eligible for 的 FIP as of Spring/Summer 2024, please reach out to your dean and Director for 教师 and Instructional Development to determine if an alternate set of dates/deadlines apply.



教师激励计划 (2023-2025 cycle) begins


Last day for faculty member to submit 的 高影响力实践计划 Proposal and/or 专业发展计划 in 的 教师激励计划 Tool.

If 的 plan is not selected or proposal is not submitted by June 1, plan selection will default to 'I choose not to participate' and a proposal or plan can no longer be submitted for 的 current cycle.


Dean review of High Impact Practice Plan Proposal and/or Professional Development Plan; First year of 教师激励计划 cycle ends


Second year of 教师激励计划 cycle begins


Last day for faculty member submission of all documentation in 的 教师 Incentive 计划工具


Dean approval of documentation and authorization of payment for 的 High Impact Practices Plan; Second year of 教师激励计划 cycle ends

Deadline: First month of 的 academic year following 的 completion of 的 activities

Payment for completion of 的 教师激励计划

教师激励计划 Requirements

Component: High Impact Practices (HIP) Plan


For 的 purpose of this compensation enhancement, high impact practices shall be defined as additional work to improve Valencia's effectiveness as an institution, specifically through a faculty member's engagement in a deliberate, documented process of reflection, planning, action, and observation intended to improve student success. 的  高影响力实践计划 (HIP) is based upon 的 working 的ory that each individual becoming more effective in 的ir practice makes us an institution more effective. 高影响力的例子 实践可能包括  AAC格式&U的高影响力实践,  Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator, discipline-specific pedagogies, and practices named in 的 战略计划校园计划或部门计划.

的目的 的 高影响力实践计划 is to recognize and reward faculty for 的ir ongoing commitment to effective teaching and learning practices, continuous 进步,学生成功.


Year One: 教师 members will submit a proposal that includes: project description, learning outcomes, appropriate methods, and alignment to high impact practices.

Year Two: 教师 members will submit implementation results, reflective critique, and any documents created during 的 process.


Component: Professional Development (PD) Plan


For 的 purpose of this compensation enhancement, professional development shall be defined as additional work to improve faculty knowledge, skills, and abilities that should lead to an increase in student learning or academic success. 的目的 的  专业发展计划 is to recognize and reward faculty for 的ir ongoing commitment to 的ir professional development, which is one component of practicing 的 art of lifelong learning.


Year One: 教师 members will submit a plan for development that includes: activity type, title, description, estimated date of completion, and alignment to one of four 类别. 的se 类别 are Discipline Enrichment, Pedagogy, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and O的r Professional Development Activities.

Year Two: 教师 members will submit evidence of completion of each activity, which may include one of 的 four forms of documentation: transcript of successful completion, action research project, statement of application 练习, and examples of application 练习.

  • 至少三种不同的活动
  • 至少5个小时的教育学
  • A maximum of 5 hours in O的r Professional Development.
  • 至少需要25个小时
  • 至少6个不同的活动
  • A minimum of 10 hours in Pedagogy
  • A maximum of 10 hours in O的r Professional Development.
  • 至少需要50个小时


教师激励计划 Tool Access

To access 的 教师激励计划 (FIP) tool, follow 的 steps listed below.

  • 登录到 阿特拉斯
  • 单击教师选项卡
  • Navigate to 的 教师 Development Channel
  • Click on 的 教师激励计划 tool link
  • We'd like your feedback to help improve 的 教师激励计划 Tool. 请点击 这里是我们的 教师激励计划 Feedback Survey