
学生 are encouraged to explore Florida residency statutory exceptions and waivers 选项,以确定他们是否符合这些替代方案中的任何一个.

佛罗里达州居民有资格澳门金沙注册州内学费. 在大多数情况下,居住权是明确的 as having lived in Florida for at least 12个月 prior to enrolling at 澳门金沙注册. However, exceptions to the residency requirement are made for students who fall into 比如军事部署. 如果你没有在佛罗里达住过 the last year, you may qualify for one of the statutory exceptions listed below. 探索 these exceptions and waivers options to determine if you can save on your tuition 通过申请佛罗里达州居民身份.



If one of the statutory exceptions below describes you, you qualify as a resident for tuition purposes without having to prove physical residency in Florida for the 过去12个月. 不管你是依赖还是独立,如果你是 申索法定例外. 请在佛罗里达居民表格上回答“是”, 标记异常,并完成表单.

法定的例外 居住权证词 所需文件
There are additional, less common, exception categories that may pertain to you. 为 扩展列表指的是 金沙注册目录 or 佛罗里达雕像1009.21.
I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Pre-paid program. 是的 预付卡
Another Florida public college or university has declared me as a resident for tuition 过去12个月内的用途. 是的 Transcript indicating you were coded as RES and attendance at that institution within 过去12个月.
I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12个月. I have established legal residence and intend to make Florida my permanent 首页. 是(由配偶填写) Marriage certificate (two documents from spouse, one document from student* (does 不一定是12个月).
I am a full-time employee of a Florida public school, community college or institution 受过高等教育,或者我是雇员的配偶或受抚养子女. 是(由学生填写) 学校出具的受聘证明.
I am a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision of the state whose student fees are paid by the state agency or political subdivision, for the 与工作有关的执法或矫正培训的目的. 是的 Letter from corrections agency verifying employment and that fees are to be paid for 员工.
I am a member of the armed services of the United States or National Guard stationed in Florida on active duty pursuant to military orders, or whose 首页 of record is 或者我是会员的配偶或受抚养的孩子. 是的 Active duty orders, 为m #DD2058, showing 首页 of record and document that proves 与学生的关系.


If you are a recent high school graduate or an honorably discharged veteran, you may 有资格澳门金沙注册州外豁免.


澳门金沙注册 is authorized by the state of Florida to provide an out-of-state 符合以下所有资格标准的学生可获减免学费:

  • Attended a Florida high school for the last three consecutive years immediately before 从佛罗里达的一所高中毕业.
  • Submitted an official high school transcript providing evidence of high school attendance 如上所述.
  • Submitted an admission application to a Florida College System or State University 系统院校高中毕业后24个月内入学.

A waiver of out of state tuition is possible for undocumented and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) students who graduate from a Florida high school.

Please note: Receipt of out-of-state tuition waivers does NOT constitute classification 作为佛罗里达居民来支付学费. 澳门金沙注册此豁免的学生仍然保留 在学费方面被列为非佛罗里达居民 and are NOT eligible for 包括光明未来在内的国家财政援助. 以学费为目的的居住必须 be determined before this waiver is applied (if all criteria above is 见过). 学生 may enroll using the waiver for the number of credit hours that would equal 110 percent of the total number of required college credit or vocational credit hours of the students’ 申报的学位或证书课程.

To access the Out-of-State Fee Waiver 申请表, log into your 阿特拉斯 account, click on 学生 Tab > Student 为ms > 招生 and Records > Out-of-State Fee Waiver 申请表.








During the closure, you can call between 9am - 5pm for general assistance any day 除了平安夜、圣诞节、除夕和元旦.





Cost of attendance (COA) is an estimate of expenses you might encounter while attending 澳门金沙注册. 你的COA不仅仅包括学费和杂费.


澳门金沙注册 is authorized by the state of Florida to provide an out-of-state 符合下列资格的学生可获减免学费:

  • 是光荣退役的美国退伍军人.S. 武装部队,美国.S. 后备力量 or the National Guard and provide their DD214 that shows honorably discharged status.
  • Physically reside in Florida while enrolled at a Florida College System institution (such as Miami Dade College) and provide documentation, such as a valid Florida Driver’s license, Florida identification card, voter ID card or other legal documentation, which proves the veteran is physically residing in Florida during enrollment.

更多信息请访问我们的 退伍军人事务办公室.

Please note: Receipt of this out-of-state tuition waiver does NOT constitute classification 作为佛罗里达居民来支付学费. 澳门金沙注册此豁免的学生仍然保留 在学费方面被列为非佛罗里达居民. 以学费为目的居住 must be determined before this waiver is applied (if all eligibility criteria are 见过). This waiver will cover the applicable portion of the out-of-state fees up to 110 percent of the required credit hours for the degree or certificate program in 哪个学生被录取了.



Effective July 1, 2014 [applicable for Fall 2014 and thereafter], 众议院851号法案 and 众议院第7015号法案[经第(5)条修订.) 1009.26,佛罗里达州法规(F.S.)、澳门金沙注册豁免] 为符合特定标准的学生授权的州外豁免.



In accordance with Florida Statutes, 澳门金沙注册 has established a residency appeals committee to consider student appeals of residency determinations. 在这种情况下 where the applicant expresses a desire to appeal the residency classification, the 此事将提交上诉委员会处理.

The residency appeal officer or committee will convey to the applicant the final residency determination and the reasons for the determination within 20 business days. 最后一个 居住决定将以书面形式提供给学生.

学生希望上诉的分类 佛罗里达居住 用于学费的,应提交  佛罗里达州居民上诉清单 提出上诉理由的表格. 所有证明文件的副本 appeal for residency reclassification should be included with the request. 学生 可以访问 回答中心 如果他们对填写表格有疑问或需要指导. 申请表格 所有的证明文件都可以提交给 admissionshelp@mofangziyuan.com.