Seneff Honors Certification

This certificate is designed to prepare all Valencia faculty to teach for the Seneff Honors College, incorporating Honors curricular outcomes and engaged learning practices. The certificate is required in order to teach honors-designated coursework, but does not guarantee honors courses will be available or assigned to honors faculty who complete the certification.

Please contact the Honors Director for more information about teaching for the Seneff Honors College.

Congratulations to our Valencia faculty who have achieved the  Seneff Honors Certification!

Certification Planning Document:
The planning document provides a list of required and optional courses which can be used to plan your certification or program.

Course 1: (Required)

LCTS3213: Service Learning Across the Curriculum                                                          20 PD Hours
Participants will create a plan to infuse service learning into a current course by linking course outcomes to meaningful service in the community. Participants will explore service learning opportunities and create assessment plans to measure student learning. Successful completion of this course will enable participants to add a service learning designation to their courses.

LCTS6417: Creating an Embedded Undergraduate Research Experience             20 PD Hours
This course will give participants an opportunity to create an embedded undergraduate research (UR) experience unique to their course outcomes. Participants will become acquainted with the logistics of the embedded model and the IRB process at Valencia College, as well as complete CITI Training and create an UR experience for their classroom. 

INDV3351: Internationalizing the Curriculum                                                                      20 PD Hours
This course provides faculty members with the knowledge and resources to internationalize a course by developing a unit internationalization toolkit. Successful completion of this course will enable participants to request inclusion in Valencia Global Distinction.

LCTS3227: Authentic Inquiry-based Learning                                                                       15 PD Hours
Authentic inquiry-based learning prompts students to apply problem-solving techniques to the community around them. In this course, participants will engage in strategies to teach inquiry-based learning such as problem-based learning and creative problem-solving.

Course 2:

LCTS6776: Honors Faculty Seminar                                                                                          15 PD Hours
This course is designed to prepare faculty to teach for the Seneff Honors College at Valencia College. Participants will learn what makes the honors experience unique and acquire information to development a curriculum plan to teach in honors and engage in the community beyond the classroom.

The Honors Faculty Seminar course is required to earn the Seneff Honors Certification and to teach honors-designated coursework but does not guarantee honors courses will be available or assigned to honors faculty who complete the certification. Faculty interested in completing the Honors Faculty Seminar course and teaching honors coursework should first contact their dean and the Honors Director.